Monday, March 7, 2011

Since I celebrate a birthday this month, I'm gonna share some info with you about me this week so you know a little more about what I like and what makes me tick lol....

I am the oldest of 6 children and I am the mother of 3. I am married to my best friend and because of him I am DEFINATELY a better person. I love to read, in fact I have to stay away from books sometimes because I'm a bit obsessive and when I get into a book all I wanna do is read! I love bright colors and I love animals. While I don't have animals inside my home, I do have 2 outside dogs and it breaks my heart to see animal cruelty. I am a germophobe! I wasn't always this way, when my then 4mo old son had to have open heart surgery, I turned into one. Though I find comfort in knowing that while I do get paranoid about getting sick or my kids getting sick, I can keep it under wraps and I am not as bad as other people out there (though my family may not agree). I am one of the few and lucky that have been blessed with GREAT parents and in-laws. My family is everything to me! I love the Lord Jesus Christ and am grateful for having the knowledge of Him in my life. Oh and last but not least I am a super cry baby! I just can't help it!

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